15% of land area on earth has been degraded by unsustainable human activities (UNEP)

Human activities have a strong impact on the environment. Soil degradation has increased during the last decades because of deforestation, agricultural activities, industrial activities, vegetation overexploitation and excessive grazing.
Agricultural activities and deforestation are responsible of almost a 9% of the soil degradation. This emphasizes the need for implementing better practices including the use of more environmentally friendly soil enhancers.
Global Gateways provide solutions that avoid and reverse soil degradation by developing different types of soil enhancers adapted to the real needs of the agricultural and forestry sector, achieving a higher quality of crops and improving their productivity.
Soil enhancers are used to increase the physical qualities in cultivable soils, especially the uptake of nutrients. Several types of soil enhancers are already used in agriculture, some examples include bone meal, peat, coffee grounds, compost, coir, manure, straw, vermiculite, sulfur, lime, blood meal, compost tea and sphagnum moss.
GG are developing three types of soil enhancers: biochar, algae and microbes. These products are be able to be used separately or mixed as organic fertilizer, and will make sustainable agriculture a real possibility for farmers.
Expected results are increased water retention, better uptake of nutrients, improved crop quality, stabilizing the soil structure and replacing fossil fuel based fertilizers, leading to decreased GHG emissions.
Not only do we expect to demonstrate increase the quality of crops, but we also expect to increase productivity compared to fossil fuel based synthetic fertilizers. Additionally we will use soil enhancers to recover unfertile land for agricultural and forestry use.