Algae as a natural fertiliser leads to an important decrease of CO2 emissions and the development of more sustainable agricultural practice
Algae used as a natural fertiliser can help solve environmental problems already faced by the agricultural sector, such as the excess of contaminants, the infertility of the soils, the low level of nutrients or the increasing water needs.
Using algae in agriculture versus traditional fertilisers improves crop quality as algae releases nitrogen slower than fossil fuel based synthetic fertilisers and are richer in micro-elements.
Thereby, the use of CO2 to grow algae in controlled conditions helps to reduce emissions, as the algae absorb and retain the CO2.
CO2 is generated within the waste to energy process to be implemented by Global Gateways. This CO2 are captured and harnessed in order to grow algae, hereby optimizing the whole process and preventing the release of these emissions to the atmosphere.
This soil enhancer is expected to increase the quality and productivity of the crops helping to partly or totally replace traditional fossil fuel based synthetic fertilizers, either as a individual product or combined with our other soil enhancement products BioChar and SoilTap microbes.
Algae benefits:
Increasing crop yields by stimulating plant growth, germination and flowering
Increasing fertility of soils
Local ecosystems:
Stimulating phytoalexins in roots. Phytoalexins are antimicrobial and often antioxidative substances synthesized by plants that accumulate rapidly at areas of pathogen infection.
Improving concentration of chlorophyll and photosynthetic capacity
Improving crops uptake of nutrients
Improving resistance to salinity, stress conditions and droughts
Decreasing water demands and salinity
Stabilizing soils structure
Increasing field capacity
Anthelmintic and nematodes, fungus, acari and insect repellant
Climate change:
Decreasing CO2 emissions
Reducing need for fossil fuel based synthetic fertilizers
To assure the farmer that the algae complies with international standards for application in agriculture, GG is working on algae certification following the indications provided by the international standard ISO 14064.