Waste Treatment
Waste represents a cost and a problem for local authorities and industries, Global Gateways offers a service and a solution which will recycle and treat most types of waste.
When waste is properly treated and recycled we are helping to generate savings and protect the environment

Waste treatment is increasingly becoming a headache for local governments and companies, as stricter regulations and higher investment costs do not go hand in hand with austerity measures imposed upon them due the high level of debt and low economic growth they are experiencing at the moment.
Global Gateways investments in waste to energy plants relieves this pressure and removes the responsibility of compliance with regulations, as our specialized team of engineers will ensure all waste is recycled and treated with the best available technology (BAT) and in full compliance with existing waste regulations in their area.
Elimination of landfills eliminates the need to take up scarce and costly land, and more importantly we avoid emitting high levels of CO2 and methane into the atmosphere, and the local surrounding soil, water and air will not suffer the consequences of contamination from landfilling waste.
The plant size is modular and can be scaled to fit the project needs, the amount of waste treated ranges between 50.000 and 1.000.000 tons per year. All types of waste can be efficiently recycled or treated in our Global Gateways waste to energy process, examples of waste types are:
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Industrial Waste
Electric & Electronic Waste (WEEE)
Automotive Shredder Residue
Car Tyres
Tannery Waste
Paper Mill Sludge
Sewage Sludge
Industrial Food Waste
Oil Refinery Sludge
In complete compliance with the European Parliament Directive 2008/98/EC, which sets the basic concepts and definitions related to waste management.
Natural resources and raw materials are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive to mine and process, recycling makes sense from an economic and environmental perspective. Our waste to energy process looks to optimize the efficiency rate of the sorting process to recycle the following products:
Steel & Aluminium
Precious Metals
Significant energy savings and emission reduction is achieved by recycling the above products.
For example, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA the recycling of aluminum cans saves up to 95% of the energy required to make the same amount of product from its virgin source, if you assume the energy used to produce new cans comes from fossil fuel based energy, the savings in emissions will equally be 95 %. For every ton of new aluminum cans produced we require 5 tons of bauxite ore, which must be strip-mined crushed, washed and refined into alumina before smelting, this process created 5 tons of caustic mud which can contaminate ground water and surface water.
Other examples of energy savings are 90% for copper, 56 % for steel and 40% for glass, not forgetting the environmental impact of mining the virgin natural resources to produce them.