Waste to Energy

The Global Gateways waste to energy process achieves a recycling rate of 55-85% for municipal solid waste


Waste to energy technologies offer the possibility to generate large amounts of energy as a net reducer of greenhouse gas emissions because they eliminate methane from landfills and offset the need to burn fossil fuel in power plants. Current methods of energy recovery from waste are typically waste incinerators and combustion engines which convert methane captured from landfills to energy. Emerging technologies include gasification, pyrolysis and plasma arc gasification, which have the potential to produce more energy from the same fuel, however there are regulatory, technical and financial obstacles associated to the implementation of these innovative technologies.

A person from a developed country generates from 1.2 to 1.4 kg of waste daily. This quantity will double by 2025 increasing GHG levels as well. There are many profitable ways to cut emissions from waste streams for companies developing technologies in the waste to energy sector. Greenhouse gas emissions coming from waste decomposition can be a very valuable energy source significantly reducing the environmental impact associated with this waste. Waste management may be the perfect way for getting renewable energy at low cost despite regulatory and technical obstacles.


Global Gateways has found a way to create a commercially viable waste-to-energy process, which is able to deliver a CO2 negative emission balance. Our solution was developed using the novel integration of existing and proven technologies into a new patented model which includes:

  • Sorting system to separate waste types before recycling or gasification

  • Gasification of waste to produce syngas via pyrolysis

  • From the syngas generate electrical and thermal energy in a gas turbine

A solution considerably more efficient than alternative technologies available on the market today. Not only does the process achieve a higher recycling rate, but it also obtains a higher energy efficiency rate, when gasifying the remaining organic waste fraction and converting to electrical and thermal energy. Factor in the carbon negative emission balance and substantial savings in waste treatment costs for local authorities, it is clear that benefits are delivered to all levels of society.