Energy from Wind

Wind energy could account for 14-17% of the EU’s electricity by 2020


Wind farms represent one of the key wedges needed for the provision of energy security, which is achieved through a balanced energy mix. Without wind energy the replacement of carbon emitting fossil fuel based energy production, and the much needed transition towards a low carbon economy in the fight against global warming, would be even more challenging. 

The European Wind Energy Association estimates that 230 gigawatts (GW) of wind capacity will be installed in Europe by 2020, consisting of 190 GW onshore and 40 GW offshore. This would produce 14-17% of the EU's electricity, avoiding 333 million tons of CO2 per year and saving Europe €28 billion a year in avoided fuel costs.

Common sense clearly dictates that from an environmental perspective wind farms are by far preferable to fossil fuel based energy such as coal, gas and oil, yet the intense lobbying efforts of the fossil fuel industry continue to delay this transition towards clean energy, nevertheless the growing momentum towards clean energy solutions is clear and unavoidable. 

From an economic point of view wind to energy is also clearly winning the fight, as the cost of producing a unit of energy from wind continues to decrease year after year, making modern wind technology today more price competitive than fossil fuel based energy, even in a scenario without subsidies. 


Global Gateways wind to energy solutions

We are currently analysing a pipeline of over 150 operational land based wind farm projects, with the aim of improving their efficiency by re-powering the existing turbines. 

Our engineering team has  an extensive and proven track record, including  a portfolio of over 1.7 GW of installed capacity in the wind to energy sector, including experience in permitting, engineering, construction and operation. 

Our philosophy of carrying out socially responsible investments with a low risk strategy is highlighted by only taking on projects which are economically sustainable without any government subsidies, and located in investment grade countries. Furthermore by re-powering existing projects there is much reduced risk related to permitting from scratch, at the same time due to the long track record of the operational assets, the risks involved in getting the localised wind conditions wrong are greatly reduced.

Another factor is that we enable a non-dependence on government based feed-in tariffs, which is achieved by deploying the largest available wind turbines from market leading manufacturers, combined with long term fixed energy offtake contracts from large economically stable energy companies,. In summary, our approach greatly reduces risk for investors. 

A solid foundation of partners local and from far away is in place to ensure the successful deployment of assets, with the  objective of contributing towards the growing trend of decarbonising the energy market. And doing so in manner which leads by example and is inclusive of the local communities, therefore we propose profit sharing schemes for local landowners and communities, whom in this way also benefit from localised clean energy.​

Track Record

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