Energy from Waste
Carbon negative energy from waste represents a major breakthrough in the transition towards a low carbon economy and in the fight against global warming.
According to the IEA, governments around the world subsidized consumption of fossil fuel to the tune of $544 billion last year—more than five times greater than supports for renewable energy, which totalled $101 billion in 2012.
Global Gateways technology is able to produce energy cheaper than the fossil fuel industry and without needing any subsidies. Our clean energy directly substitutes the need for CO2 emitting fossil fuel energy.
ELECTRICITYWaste is converted to a hydrogen rich gas during our gasification process, this gas is converted to electricity in our power plant section of the waste to energy process. A typical sized GG waste to energy plant which treats 1,00.000 tons of MSW (municipal solid waste) per year can generate 376 MW per hour of green electricity.
Electricity generated in our waste to energy plants can be supplied either to the national grid system or local smart grids. The European Union is strongly pushing for the implementation of smart grids and see them as essential for Europe to meet its energy goals, for more information on smart grids and the plans of Global Gateways concerning smart grids, please click on the link at the bottom of the page.
DISTRICT HEATING AND COOLING (HOT & COLD WATER) The power plant section of the waste to energy plant will work in combined heat and power (CHP) mode, apart from generating electricity the plant will reuse the waste heat which is normally released to the atmosphere by conventional power plants, this waste heat can be used for cooling and heating of buildings in a district heating and cooling (DHC) network located near the waste to energy plant.
A typical sized GG waste to energy plant which treats 1.000.000 tons of MSW per year can generate376 MW per hour of electricity and above 200 MW per hour of thermal energy. A DHC network provides local households and businesses with savings in their monthly energy bill due to the effects of energy efficiency optimization.
STEAM FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSESIn locations where steam is needed, such as refineries, paper mills or other industrial usages, Global Gateways is able to securely deliver at competitive prices the highest quality of steam with a performance warranty for quality and amount of delivery.
GAS TO THE GRIDThe gas generated in the waste to energy process can be sold to the national gas grid, without needing to convert to electricity in a gas turbine. The Global Gateways generated gas has a comparable heating value as natural gas, we can provide a performance warranty for amount and quality of the gas.